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We believe the future of advertising/marketing is best represented through a marketplace of Creators like yourself. We are dedicated to helping talented professionals like you get connected directly to brands. No more middlemen. Here’s a few KEYS TO SUCCESS which will help get more brand eyeballs on your profile and hopefully help you book more gigs!
We find it’s best to link to at least 2-3 samples of work for each capability that you’ve selected. This is how brands will base their decisions about whether or not to invite you to pitch their projects. If you have insufficient video examples, brands will move on to the next candidate. Further, our search algorithm weighs Creators with the most videos towards the top of the results, so this will help you get more exposure.
While “demo reels” are better than nothing, it’s much better to link to completed projects. What brands really want to see are finished videos that demonstrate your ability to tell a story. This helps them visualize how successful you may be on their project. Rather than spending time editing a demo, we recommend linking to completed works. The more the merrier! If you list capabilities in different categories, make sure you upload at least one example of each (eg. brand film, social video, corporate video, etc.).
Not only does a professional-looking logo give you credibility, but our search algorithm favors Creators with completed profiles, which includes those who have uploaded their logo.
The criteria by which brands may search for you are limited to five things: keywords, capabilities, video tags, locations and budget ranges. The more complete your profile is, the higher likelihood it will be found. If a brand searches a capability that you’ve listed and you have not linked to videos demonstrating that capability, they will move on. If you have multiple locations, list them. Finally, make sure you select all of the budget ranges that you are able to work with.
Make sure your bio copy is written and saved, locations are saved, etc. Also make sure to complete your Payout Settings prior to pitching on any projects (brands are unable to award a project to Creators who have not completed their Payout Settings).